1- The corresponding author should submit the paper to the journal online using link

2- After submitting paper-id is sent to author.

3- The author will be guided by email for further process and be able to track the progress of the paper by using paper id.


1- Editorial Board will check the plagiarism, format and composition of the paper comply with the Guide for Authors, to ensure it includes the required sections and styles. If the manuscript fails to meet one or more requirements, the Editorial Board will return it to the authors for amendments.

2- Submitted paper will be screened by the Editor-in-Chief whether the manuscript abides by the focus and scope of International Journal Of Worldwide Engineering Research (IJWER) journal. paper that do not meet the basic requirements will be rejected without further review.

3- If the manuscript meets all requirements, the Editorial Board will assign it to an Reviewer with relevant expertise, who will be responsible for managing the peer review process. Reviewer may reject manuscripts that they deem highly unlikely to pass peer review.

4- Articles submitted for possible publication are subjected to a double-blind, peer review process.

5- Articles that are found suitable by Editor are then sent for review to two experts in the field of the paper. Reviewer of a paper are unknown to each other

6- The reviewers will rate several aspects of the manuscript, offer specific suggestions for improvement, and make a recommendation with regard to its suitability for publication.

7- The review is submitted to the journal, with a recommendation to accept or reject the paper or with a request for revision (major or minor), that should be well substantiated and justified.

The key parameters to be applied in the final evaluation of all types of submissions are

Ø  Innovation (Is the manuscript original? Does it provide new evidence or ideas capable of furthering knowledge in the given social economic context?

Ø  Quality (clarity, logic, English language and grammar, thoroughness, layout etc.)

Ø  Relevance (interest to readers, not too specific, applicability, importance of the topic, impact on social life, economy, scientific community, etc.)

Four possible decisions may therefore be reached

·           Accept – the manuscript satisfies all publication parameters and is worthy of publication.

·           Minor/Major Revisions – further revision of the manuscript is required in order to satisfy all parameters.

·           Reject and Resubmission Suggested – the paper fails to satisfy key parameters and substantial revision of the manuscript is required to address its shortcomings

·           Reject – the paper fails to satisfy key parameters and it is highly unlikely that further work can address its shortcomings.


All decisions are confirmed by the Editor-in-Chief prior to notification. The Editorial Board sends a decision email to the corresponding author including any relevant reviewer comments. All comments and related files will be provided in an anonymised form.

Revision Stage- Manuscripts that have been recommended for revision will be returned to the submitting author.

Final Steps- If paper is accepted then International Journal Of Worldwide Engineering Research (IJWER) journal makes every effort to ensure articles are published rapidly and accurately. the corresponding author will receive a paper acceptance e-mail and he/she should send Copyright form, then the article is published online under the licence Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivs Alike (CC-BY-NC-ND) with in 4 hours after receiving required documents. Copyright for commercial and associated uses will remain with the Publisher.

After completing all the process by author paper/article is published online in respective volume/issue and same is mailed to author with certificate of publication


Editor should evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors. Editors´ decision to accept or reject a paper for publication should be based only on the paper´s importance, originality and clarity, and the study´s relevance to the aim of journal.


Copyright policies are legal documents that specify who retains the right to use and distribute an original work. After submitting paper, authors are asked to submit copyright agreement to abide by an open access (CC-BY NC-ND). Under the terms of this agreement, authors retain ownership of the copyright of their articles. However, this agreement permits any user to reuse, download, print, extract, archive, and distribute the article, so long as appropriate credit is given to the authors and the source of the research work. The agreement ensures that the paper will be available as widely as possible and that the paper can be included in any International Journal Of Worldwide Engineering Research (IJWER) archive.

List of author rights in copyright policy:

  • In future research work reuse idea or data of the paper .
  • Reproduce copies of the article for academic, coaching or teaching purposes.
  • Use the published version of the article in presentations (conferences, seminars, etc.).
  • Grant permission to others to use or re-use table or figure.

List of all rights author(s) are granting to International Journal Of Worldwide Engineering Research (IJWER):

  • Reproduce, publish, distribute, edit and translate the work (specify either exclusively or non-exclusively).
  • Adapt and create derivatives from the work.
  • Make the article available in all forms and media (so article can be made available with any new technology).
  • Enforce copyright on behalf of the author.
  • Similarly to the author rights section, you’ll want to make the rights you expect the author(s) to grant to the journal explicit to avoid any confusion.


  • Expectations of the author(s) or warranties that the author(s) must make with regard to the nature of the submission. The author(s) to acknowledge:
  • Originality of the submission - author(s) guarantee it is their original work.
  • Work has not been previously published and/or is not being considered for publication at other journals.
  • All material and information from third parties is cited in the manuscript.
  • Permission has been obtained for any material used from other sources.
  • Authors should ensure that the study under consideration is original and does not contain plagiarized content.
  • Author of the paper will be responsible if they just rewrite others content or change the title of other published paper.
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