International Journal of Worldwide Engineering Research
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

Exploring the Feasibility of AI in Addressing Lecturer Shortages and Competence Issues in Thailand's Education System (KEY IJW**********158)
The growing reliance on foreign lecturers in Thailands education system has highlighted two pressing challenges: lecturer shortages and competence issues among some educators who lack the requisite qualifications or pedagogical expertise. This research explores the feasibility of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a complementary or alternative solution to address these challenges. Through a comprehensive analysis of the current state of foreign lecturers in Thailand, this study investigates the extent to which AI-powered tools and systems can mitigate the impact of underqualified educators while alleviating the persistent shortage of skilled teaching professionals. Key areas of focus include the potential of AI to enhance teaching quality through personalized learning, consistent content delivery, and scalable solutions for underserved regions. Additionally, this research examines the cultural, ethical, and practical implications of adopting AI in a traditionally human-centered profession, particularly in the context of Thailand's socio-educational landscape. By synthesizing qualitative and quantitative data, the study provides actionable insights and policy recommendations for balancing the roles of human educators and AI technologies to ensure sustainable and equitable education outcomes in Thailand